You have the course standards but…
What Algebra 1 topics should you teach? What order should you teach the topics in?
This is exactly why I created the Topics in Algebra 1 Guide
To give you a list of units that I teach in my Algebra 1 course.
Each unit has a list of topics that I teach in this exact order.
The guide is printable and you can save it to your computer for future reference.

Algebra 1 Topics Guide is unlike anything you’ll find.
I’m not going to tell you all of the standards you need to teach because you already know them and might have slightly different ones in your own state.
What this topics in Algebra 1 guide does is provides you with titled units and topics that belong in each unit.
You will be confident that you are teaching the right topics in the right order with this guide.

When you sign up to receive the Topics in Algebra 1 guide you’ll have…
A PDF document with 9 units specifically titled for the topics that are included.
A list of topics for each titled unit taught in the course. These topics are aligned to both the Minnesota State Standards and the Common Core State Standards.
So that you spend less time translating the standards into topics and more time creating engaging lessons for your students.

The Topics in Algebra 1 guide is a downloadable PDF.
You will receive an email with the PDF immediately. The guide can be downloaded to your devices and saved for future reference.
I have this list printed out. I hole punched it and keep it in my teacher binder for the year. This way I have access to it at all times.
After receiving your the guide you will have a course outline for your entire course of Algebra 1.
Stop spending time translating the standards into topics and spend more time planning your lessons.
You can also see what I use with my PLC to plan out each of these topics with my editable pacing guide template.