Geometry topics for high school geometry was a difficult thing for me to find when I was asked to teach a geometry course.
What do I teach for Geometry?
In my first 6 years of teaching I lived in the world of algebra. Primarily Algebra 1 but some Algebra 2 as well. You can find my Topics in Algebra 1 List here. As I approached my 7th year of teaching I found myself with a geometry course on my schedule for the upcoming year.

This is why I created a Geometry Topics List
The first step I took was identify the standards I was required to teach with the geometry course. I then created my Geometry Topics List to help me identify the units I wanted to teach. Then I set the order I wanted to teach the geometry topics within each unit.

When you sign up to receive the Geometry Topics List you will have…
A PDF document with 9 units specifically titled for the topics that are included in the unit
A list of topics for each titled unit taught in the course. These topics are aligned to both the Minnesota State Standards and Common Core State Standards.
You will spend less time translating standards into topics and more time creating engaging lessons for your students.
Geometry Topics is a downloadable PDF
You will receive an email with the PDF immediately. The list can be downloaded to your devices and saved for future reference.
I print this list out, hole punch and keep in my teacher binder for the year. I also print out the standards and keep these with the geometry topic list. This allows me to ensure that I am teaching all of my standards.
After receiving this list you will have a course outline for your entire geometry course.

Spend less time unpacking standards and more time planning your lessons
My editable pacing guide template can help you pacing out your year with your PLC using these units and topics.
Read how I use my editable pacing guide here. Or see how I use my editable pacing guide.